「Life Mechatronics Symposium (LMS) Kickoff Meeting」を第26回知能メカトロニクスワークショップの併設イベントとして開催いたします.
日時:2021年9月7日(火) 12:30 – 18:15 (JST)
一般社団法人電気学会,知覚情報技術委員会Life Mechatronics Symposium (LMS)専門委員会では,新しいスタイルの国際シンポジウムを企画しています.従来の研究発表形式中心の会議ではなく,開催地のメンバーと協働プロジェクトを行いながら,研究交流や人材育成,技術交流を行います.シンポジウムの場では,その成果を発表することや,現地での交流と協働で行う活動,科学教室,ハッカソンやアイデアソンなどを行うことを考えています.参加者でアイデアを出して,それを次の活動につなげていきます.
メカトロニクスは広く社会(Life=人生,生活,生命)を支える技術であることから,本シンポジウムをライフメカトロニクスシンポジウム「Life Mechatronics Symposium (LMS) 」と名付けました.
申し込みは,メールで info@lifemechatronics.comまで,
(1) Full-name
(2) Affiliation
(3) Position in affiliation to the following mail address
Schedule of LMS Kickoff Meeting (Draft Rev.6)
Date: 12:30 – 18:15 on Sep. 7, 2021 (JST)
10:30 – 16:15 on Sep. 7, 2021 (CST)
Place: zoom (online)
Time schedule (Tentative):
Notice: Japanese time is written in round brackets. ★日本時間はカッコ書きの方です.ご注意ください.
10:30 (12:30) Greeting and Opening remarks form Japanese side and Cambodia side
- Introduction of LMS (explanation of Scheme of LMS), Motoharu FUJIGAKI (Chair of LMS, University of Fukui) (10 min)
- Introduction of Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), H.E. Dr. OM Romny (Director of ITC) (15 min)
- Remarks, Prof. Jun-ichi TAKADA (Vice President for International Affairs of Tokyo Institute of Technology) (10 min)
- Group photo (All)
11:05 (13:05) Icebreak for all, Mariko KAI and Miyako TSUBOTA (FOR ME NY) (20 min)
11:25 (13:25) Lecture: ‘Engineering application for Agriculture in Cambodia’
- Mr. LOR Lytour, (Dean of Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Royal University of Agriculture) (30 min)
11:55 (13:55) Lecture: ‘Mini plant factory’,
- Dr. Hirooki AOKI (Chitose Institute of Science and Technology) (30 min)
12:25 (14:25)
Tea/Lunch break (65 min)
13:30 (15:30) Ideathon
- Orientation (10 min) Dr. Toru YAGI (Vice Chair of LMS, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Breakout room
– Team building (15 min)
– Bringing ideas (45 min) - Short break (5 min)
- Presentation (All teams) (50 min)
- Comment (5 min)
15:40 (17:40) Comment from ITC and JICA
- Comment from ITC, Dr. OR Chanmoly, Head of Research and Innovation Center (5 min)
- Comment from JICA, Mr. THOEUN Vongdy (JICA Cambodia Office) (5 min)
- Comment from IEEJ, Prof. Junichi YAMAGUCHI, In charge of internationalization, member of committee, IEEJ (5 min)
15:55 (17:55) Ending (20 min)
16:15 (18:15) Closing party
This meeting uses zoom.
- Please send
(1) Full-name (2) Affiliation (3) Position in affiliation to the following mail address, (4) Will you join Ideathon or not?, to the following mail address:
info@lifemechatronics.com - Registration fee: free
- Committee of Life Mechatronics Symposium (LMS)
知覚情報技術委員会Life Mechatronics Symposium (LMS)専門委員会 - Perceptual Information on C-branch (CPI)
- The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ)
Startup committee of Life Mechatronics Symposium (LMS)
Chair: Motoharu FUJIGAKI (University of Fukui)
Vice-chair: Tohru YAGI (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Kenji TERADA (Tokushima University) (Chair of CPI)
Hidehiro OHKI (Oita University) (Chair of Intelligent Mechatronics Workshop)
Yasue MITSUKURA (Keio University)
Tsuyoshi MORIYAMA (Tokyo Polytechnic University)
Wataru WAKITA (Hiroshima City University)
Jun-ichi YAMAGUCHI (Kagawa University)
Yukitoshi OTANI (Utsunomiya University)
Hiromi WATANABE (University of Yamanashi)
Hirooki AOKI (Chitose Institute of Science and Technology)
Brian SUMALI (Keio University)
Facilitator & Secretariat: Jun-ichiro HAYASHI (Kagawa University) (Facilitator & Secretariat of CPI)
(CPI: Perceptual Information on C-branch in the institute of electrical engineers of Japan)
Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)
Dr. KIM Bunthern | Head of Master Degree in Energy | ETM |
Dr. CHRIN Phok | Head of GEE | GEE |
Dr. VALY Dona | Lecturer-Researcher | GIC |
Dr. TITH Dara | Lecturer-Researcher | GIC |
Dr. NGUON Kollika | Head of GIM | GIM |
Dr. THOURN Kosorl | Deputy Head of GTR | GTR |
Dr. SRANG Sarot | Head of Research unit MIT | MIT |
Dr. PEC Rothna | Head of Master Degree in Mechatronic | MIT |
Dr. OR Chanmoly | Head of RIC | RIC |
Dr. KET Pinnara | Lecturer-Researcher | GRU |
Dr. VAI Vannak | Lecturer-Researcher | ETM |
Mr. CHOU Koksal | Lecturer | GEE |
Dr. PHAT Chanvorleak | Lecturer-Researcher | GCA |
Mr. TEM Lyhor | Lecturer | GIM |
Mr. TIM Hoksong | Lecturer | GIM |
Mr. SETHY Boreth | Lecturer | GIM |
ETM: Master Energy Technology and Management
GEE: Faculty of Electrical & Energy Engineering
GIC: Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering
GIM: Faculty of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
GTR: Faculty of Telecommunication and Network Engineering
MIT: Master Mechatronics and Information Technology
RIC: Research and Innovation Center
GUR: Faculty of Water Resource and Water Resources Engineering
GCA: Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Chikako SASAKI (Project Coordinator of Project for Strengthening Engineering Education and Research for Industrial Development in Cambodia; Laboratory-Based Education Project)